Friday, November 29, 2013

The map shows Part 1 of the journeys. The map doesn't show Strizhavka so I substituted Turbiv as the start. Ephraim has forced himself on his brother so they begin the journey together.

Podolia 1903. Part 1 Path 

Their first contact is Rabbi Friedman in Vinnitsa. They meet in the Synagogue:

Synagogue Vinnitsa 1903

Ephraim emerges as the opposite to Meyer in this segment. The contrast between the brothers is key to the character development of the story line.



Saturday, November 23, 2013

pages 1-2 of The Journeys of Brothers

            Vivid memories flash back in my mind while I am sleeping. Nightmares that leave me sweating even in the cold of a Saskatchewan winter. Bodies of neighbors and their children, my playmates, strewn lifeless on the hard mud of our village. I was five. My aunt, armed with a butcher knife, had put me and my brother in a hiding place while she faced three men. "Come near me, Shagatz,  and I'll cut your manhood."

            I watched through the openings in my hiding place. One of them lunged for her shoulders and another went for her legs. She sliced the neck of the first one who released her and grabbed his throat, looking surprised as blood gushed out. The gurgling sounds were the last the man would make. The second man forced her to the floor. My other aunt who had been hiding came out and with another knife came down on his buttocks. He yelled in agony, and as he turned over, she did what her sister had promised, thrusting the knife squarely at the man's groin. As he writhed in pain on the floor, my first aunt got up and, with her sister, looked menacingly at the third who dashed for the door.

            My brother was almost two. He had no notion of what was going on, nor a memory of it. It was a different matter for me. I couldn't hold it in. My bladder and bowels let go at the same time. I was terrified. 

            I was told that one of the non-Jewish residents came to our shtetl to tell us that the villagers had nothing to do with the attack, that it was a band of youths from a town some distance away and that there would be no more strife. My aunt called the attack a pogrom, a word that still haunts me.

            I grew into manhood and was married to a beautiful woman, Rachel, the daughter of a merchant. We were married in a beautiful wooden synagogue in Probisht. The merchant had a second daughter, Bess, and while she had just become a woman, was married to my brother, Ephraim.
Sketch (1847) of the Wooden Synagogue

            My brother and I learned to herd cattle for a non-Jew who had land nearby. He taught us how to butcher a steer, but it was not in the tradition of Kashruit. Life was pleasant and while I had bad dreams from that haunted me, I grew to enjoy shtetl life because I knew no other.
(Above copyright Murray A. Tucker from the novel The Journeys of Brothers. Permission granted to quote with proper attribution.)
[The following poem by Chaim Bialik expresses the despair of Jews outside of Kishinev at the pogrom that convinced thousands to leave Eastern Europe.]

...the heirs
Of Hasmoneans lay, with trembling knees,
Concealed and cowering—the sons of the Maccabees!
The seed of saints, the scions of the lions!
Who, crammed by scores in all the sanctuaries of their shame,
So sanctified My name!
It was the flight of mice they fled,
The scurrying of roaches was their flight;
They died like dogs, and they were dead 

            Chaim Bialik "In the City of Slaughter"


Friday, November 22, 2013

Introduction to the Odyssey

The Kishinev pogrom of Easter, 1903. It's over one hundred years since that murderous assault on Jews occurred. Practically no one knows of it, today, but at the time it was Cause célèbre and the reason many Jews left their homeland of centuries to travel under severe conditions. [Pictured is a cartoon from 1903 showing President Theodore Roosevelt imploring the Russian Czar to end the meaningless support of attacks on Jews.]

 Among those who took the path to freedom were two brothers, Meyer and Ephraim Stein who traveled together through Europe to England.

The reader is taken on one of the routes Jews used to escape. The journey together ends as Meyer boards a ship for Canada. Ephraim is missing and remains so for almost twenty years.

Meyer continues on to Canada. He works in Montreal for three years while waiting for his wife and son. A second son is born in Montreal after which they move to Saskatchewan. Because of his ability with various languages, Meyer moves back east. During World War I he does limited work behind enemy lines. As finances become tight and his job is not secure, Meyer begins a new career rescuing Jews whose lives have been totally disturbed from the aftermath of World War I. Upon successfully completing his mission, Meyer returns to a relatively prosperous life until the Great Depression and World War II where he again assists the Allied effort in defeating Germany.

This story is fictional. The places are not nor are some of the details of incidents surrounding Meyer’s life.