Meyer and Ephraim married sisters, Rachel and Bess, in a
synagogue in Pogrebishche.
1847 sketch by Napoleon Orda (negative)
Their first contact was with Rabbi Friedman at the synagogue in Vinnitsa
Vinnitsa Synagogue 1903
Rabbi Friedman gave the men provisions and sent them
to the next stop, Rabbi Solomon in Zhmerynka
The next stop was to find a Trotskyite in Sharhorod.
The synagogue was not where they would meet, but in "Haus des Juden"
the Jewish Community Center.
Jew House Sharhorod 1903
From Sharhorod the brothers went to Chernivtsi to
the Dov Inn at the sign of a bear (dov). After spending several days working at
the Inn for food and lodging they continued to Yampil on the Dniester River
where they could cross to Sorocco in Bessarabia.
Journey 1 Out of Ukraine
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